Your Zodiac Sign's Astrology Horoscope And Tarot Card Reading For New Year's Day

With a Super Moon in the zodiac sign of Cancer, we're all howling like a wolf on a New Year!
Your daily tarot card reading for each zodiac sign's astrology-based horoscope is here!
The First Super Moon of the year arrives on New Year's Day in the zodiac sign of Cancer. The Sun is in astrology's cardinal sign, Capricorn. Today's Master Number is 4, but before we had 4, the day was reduced from the number 13.
We have rigid stability and karmic opportunities that are revealed by astrology and the Tarot for all zodiac signs on January 1, 2018 and New Year's Day.

RELATED: How The Full Moon In Cancer Affects Your Love Life In The Next Few Weeks

The January 1, Supermoon has quite a few nicknames. It's called a Blue Moon and Wolf Moon. This year, it arrived in the most emotional sign of the zodiac, Cancer. Perhaps a sad wolf howling at a supermoon on New Year's Day means something. Ever wonder why Cancer is so moody and filled with sorrow at times. Why does Cancer often keep their thoughts and feelings to themselves?
This watery zodiac sign is particularly gifted with intuition and psychic potential, so they pick up on the energy that's around them. They are our sages, and sometimes the ones who remind us that it's okay to cry. 
Starting something new can be intimidating, no matter how much you look forward to the opportunity. A new year comes with different energy. What does this energy bring?
It's January 1st, 2018. It's the first day of the work week, and a Monday, on a New Year, with a new moon cycle and a Super Moon, the biggest of the year. The day is definitely FILLED with fresh starts.
Monday that falls on a new year, with an emotional and watery start with a Cancer Full Moon, we should reflect on both numbers They hold special power and symbolize so much about where we want to be energetically on New Year's Day and the rest of 2018.
If someone were to describe to you a person born as a Master Number 4, he would likely be a successful banker or accountant, maybe even an Actuary. He would be the most dependable person you could ever meet.

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You'd like him but he's not the person you'd consider to be the life of a party. Instead, you'd expect him to be the designated driver. The guy you'd call when Uber wasn't available, or you needed to go home with someone you could trust to tuck you in with a pillow beneath your head and a little blanket. Then, nurse you without asking questions while you recover on the couch from a hangover.
A Master Number 4 isn't just about dependability and trust. It is also associated with money and business affairs, government, and although he's powerful, he lacks in fairness when it comes to respecting differences.
In the Tarot, the zodiac sign, Cancer is associated with overcoming challenges. It's the Chariot card with the number 7. There are 6 tarot cards in the deck that are associated with 7: Seven of Wands, Seven of Swords, Seven of Cups, Seven of Pentacles, The Chariot, The Tower — all involving the process of waiting, hoping for a problem to resolve, and in a lot of ways — waiting for a miracle to happen. Feels about right, doesn't it?
This is why we ought to consider the number 13. It reveals how we got here and what is needed to fix the problem.
We all know that we are entering 2018 with lots of work remaining in the area of fairness when it comes to respecting individual differences, but it doesn't have to stay that way. In quite a few ways, we're all waiting for some kind of miracle to bring about more love and kindness into our world. 
And although technically, according to numerology, 13 isn't exactly a Master Number it holds a special energetic vibration for the day.
It's the number of karmic upheavals that carries the energy of a 1 and a 3. It's also associated with karmic balance.

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Ones are leaders. Threes are overcomers. Its a signal to learn to adapt to change and it's an opportunity to grow, a challenge Capricorn works hard to achieve, and Cancer intuitively knows must be fulfilled. 
There is symbolism on each Tarot card that you can use to provide insight when things are unclear. Check out your zodiac sign for Monday, January 1st, 2018, daily tarot reading and astrology predictions.

ARIES (March 21 - April 19)

Tarot card: The Star
Aries, the Star tarot card is a good sign for a fresh start on a New Year's Day's day with a full moon. You've been working hard over the past year, maybe longer...and tomorrow Uranus goes direct again in your sign!
With this card, today's reading reveals that you may catch a lucky break to meet with your hard work and tenacity. Business and career prospects can take an upturn. Keep working hard so that luck, opportunity, and good fortune catch you in motion. 
RELATED: 13 Brutal Truths About Loving An Aries (As Written By One)

TAURUS (April 20 - May 20)

Tarot card: The Empress
Taurus, your love of comfort and security get a rub on the lucky genie lamp today. The Empress Tarot card is a good sign for a fresh start on New Year's Day with a Super Moon. If you've been hoping for increased income, this card indicates that a landslide financial opportunity could come your way.
With this card, it could signify that this opportunity won't just benefit you, but it will allow you to be kind and generous with others, too. 

GEMINI (May 21 - June 20)

Tarot card: The Fool
Gemini, the Fool tarot card is a good sign for a fresh start on a New Year's Day's day with a full moon. This card comes with a number value of 0, but that doesn't mean there's no energy, there's just a bit of a risk but can be positive. 
For example, if you're a job seeker, you could find work in a field you've never been in before or you will just find yourself in some type of unknown territory and you need to be pay attention and look to learn. 

CANCER (June 21 - July 22)

Tarot card: The World
Cancer, the World tarot card is a good sign for a fresh start on a New Year's Day's day with a full moon. You can breath easy that this card signals that you are going to start this month with a good beginning. 
This card means that you could mean that you're at a late stage in a specific journey where you will either find new work, a new relationship, or be invited to start something and have to make some decisions about what to let go and what to put on hold so you can be free to focus.

LEO (July 23 - August 22)

Tarot card: The Hermit
Leo, the Hermit tarot card is a good sign for a fresh start on a New Year's Day's day with a supermoon. Today is a good day for you to sit back, relax and seek knowledge from the inside out.
With this card, you can anticipate that spending time alone in thought or any form of loneliness is a stage that you'll go to but also grow through.

VIRGO (August 23 - September 22)

Tarot card: Temperance
Virgo, the Temperance tarot card is a good sign for a fresh start on a New Year's Day's day with a full moon. While all other signs of the zodiac are working on careers and relationships, you get the green light to take a back seat and chill out for the day.
With this card, it's a day of healing, gentleness, and health and wellness pampering. Taking the time to care for yourself and you can't go wrong. 

LIBRA (September 23 - October 22)

Tarot card: The Star
Libra, the Star tarot card is a good sign for a fresh start on a New Year's Day's day with a full moon. If you believe in guardian angels, you are being guided at this time. If you're having dreams, pay attention to them. If you have questions, ask the universe for signs. 
You're not in isolation and there are energies at work to bless you with abundance and prosperity.

SCORPIO (October 23 - November 21)

Tarot card: The Tower
Scorpio, the Star tarot card is a complicated sign for a fresh start on a New Year's Day's day with a full moon. It's not necessarily bad, but it does mean that there's a change coming. 
You could find that there's an unexpected problem or revelation, or a door closing but it's for your protection. An energy shift that puts you in a new direction could come your way.

SAGITTARIUS (November 22 - December 21)

Tarot card: The High Priestess
Sagittarius, the High Priestess tarot card is a good sign for a fresh start on a New Year's Day's day with a full moon. You have a feminine energy that's surrounding you and there's a spirit of love supporting you.
This card also means that you are also channeling this feminine energy that is strong and dependable. Listen to your instincts but also seek out answers to clarify and affirm what you sense to be true.

CAPRICORN (December 22 - January 19)

Tarot card: The Fool
Capricorn, the Fool tarot card is a good sign for a fresh start on a New Year's Day's day with a full moon. You may find yourself in a situation that is constantly changing but also where you are growing into a new person.
This card also means that you will benefit in meditating on what you want, inviting the source of light to partner with you, and to embrace life as it comes but do so with awareness. 
RELATED:  7 Brutal Truths About Loving a Capricorn (As Written By One)

AQUARIUS (January 20 - February 18)

Tarot card: The Hermit
Aquarius, the Hermit tarot card is a good sign for a fresh start on a New Year's Day's day with a full moon. Today, there's really no need to rush into things, but instead spend time with yourself. Get to know your wants and needs, and if there are things that you're ready to do, then learn more about them. 
With this card, the door of opportunity opens up for you, but that doesn't mean that now. Instead, allow yourself to see how things continue to unfold as you may find that there's still more information to be learned. 

PISCES (February 19 - March 20)

Tarot card: The Chariot
Pisces, the Chariot tarot card is a good sign for a fresh start on a New Year's Day's day with a full moon. The energy of this card means that you need to slow down a little bit and get to learn where you are, how you need to proceed, and then see where things are headed.
With this card, you can work on things that come naturally for you and that you are ready to grow but have the support you need. 
